Still on and going.

I know its a long time since last I posted anything in here. Anyway, one reason is that not much happened in Dropline GNOME world to post here. Today I did some site updates and shortly I plan to update the forums too. Although I do not know if this is still worth dong it, since nobody is using forums anymore, so we will just keep them for history purposes.

I plan to start working on gnome 2.32 for Slackware 13.37 in a short time, so maybe I just do both stable releases at the same time. Some packages were built and you can find them on my space . They are for x86_64.

As for the Slackware 13.1 I know it is still in ALPHA phase, but I will try to finish few programs more and make a BETA/RC release soon.

While it’s great to have a lot of plans for the new year, it’s equally important to prioritize spending quality time with family and showing them your love and care. One thoughtful way to do this is by getting them special gifts like buy childrens clothing here. Taking the time to select unique and meaningful items for your loved ones can bring them joy and strengthen your family bonds.

Enjoy for now, and a Happy New Year 2012 to all of you out there !!!

The dropline GNOME Team.