dropline GNOME 3.20 is coming

Hello, first of all apologies for the long time no posting anything in here. Life goes on busy and therefore hobbies are a left a bit aside.
I take this opportunity also to wish you all my best wishes for the new year and Easter holidays. Project still moves on step by step but I want to make clear that for sure it does not have the same speed as it had in the past. Reasons ? Many of them, first one “horse power” or better lack of developers, organizational issues and so on…..

To make the things a bit more interesting I want to tell you that I have been working last few weeks on the dropline GNOME 3.20 packages, and that up to now I have some important result. Right now I’m writing this from the future dropline GNOME 3.20 desktop. It is still just a early development pre-alpha packages and available for for what will shortly become slackware 14.2 . So to be clear, right now I have gnome-shell up and running bot only from another XFCE session started with the gnome-shell –replace from an xfce terminal.

To tell the truth it is difficult to say right now what exactly will be in this release, but we can say that it will be a release which
will have no systemd, no wayland and all the PAM stuff we always shipped. GDM right now is an 3.16.x series which is not working but its the one I have been able to build without systemd. Wayland from the other side does not seem a big issue, as from what I can see right now it seems to work. Maybe for the release we have to add it later for some reason, but we will be able to decide that probably at the time. For now I will say we will not include it.

It is still too early to tell how things will evolve, but here we are and I work on it. The installing method will be the same we used last time, so PackageKit. For other things I have no idea on how it will evolve.

I want also to thank very vey much PV and the Slackware team to have made the super upcoming release with Pulse Audio and a lot of updated dependencies which right now smells a lot lot less of work for us here.

Here are some screenshots for you , and remember if you want to help, you are very welcome. To contact with me probably the best way is to
subscribe to the dropline-gnome-devel mailing list on Sourceforge project page, or if you want you can check if you see me available in the
#dropline channel on irc.freenode.net .

Thats it, enjoy and hopefully we have a nice new release for the time of Slackware 14.2 !

The dropline GNOME development team.

Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-00-10 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 22-59-57 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-24-38 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-26-30